For Local Unions

Download Important Forms

MCTWF recognizes the need to assist the Local Union officers and agents prior to, during, and contract negotiations with regard to MCTWF benefits, participation rules, and enrollment. Our Field Services Department is here to serve you. In addition to providing you with on-site and telephonic assistance, we have made available to you online references to important MCTWF documents and other helpful information through the below links.

MCTWF Business Agent Web Portal

  • Design any benefit plan and compare it and its multi-year contribution rates with any other plan through the MCTWF Plan Designer.
  • Create a completely populated Participation Agreement.
  • View detailed reports regarding companies under your jurisdiction.
  • Record and securely store notes.

Participation Agreements

These agreements (which may not be altered but may be filled in, printed, and saved to your desktop) are necessary for Employer participation with MCTWF. This agreement sets forth contribution information and rules. The completed agreement must be signed by the Employer, Union Local, and accepted by MCTWF before it becomes effective. To fill in the appropriate agreement, tab to each applicable field and type in the pertinent information. Once you have completed the document, print and save it to your desktop.

Advance Contribution Participation Agreements

Advance Contribution Tiered Rate PA

PA to be used by employers whose initial participation commenced after 1/1/05.

Advance Contribution Composite Rate PA

PA to be used by employers whose initial participation commenced after 1/1/05.

Retroactive Contribution Participation Agreements

Retroactive Contribution Tiered Rate PA

PA to be used by employers whose initial participation commenced after 1/1/05.

Retroactive Contribution Composite Rate PA

PA to be used by employers whose initial participation commenced prior to 1/1/05.

Hourly/Seasonal Participation Agreements

Hourly/Seasonal Contribution Composite Rate PA

To be used for all Employers that contribute to MCTWF at an hourly contribution rate.

Daily/Seasonal Contribution Rate PA

To be used for all Employers that contribute to MCTWF at an daily contribution rate.

Local Union Participation Agreements

Local Union Retroactive Contribution Tiered Rate PA

PA to be used by Local Unions whose initial participation commenced after 1/1/05.

Local Union Retroactive Contribution Composite Rate PA

PA to be used by Local Unions whose initial participation commenced prior to 1/1/05 and contribute retroactively.

Local Union Advance Contribution Tiered Rate PA

PA to be used by Local Unions whose initial participation commenced after 1/1/05 and contribute in advance of the month.

Local Union Advance Contribution Composite Rate PA

PA to be used by Local Unions whose initial participation commenced prior to 1/1/05.

Important Plan Information

Trust Agreement

This document as amended, which is incorporated by reference in the Participation Agreement, establishes the Trust Fund and states the general rules for its administration.

Employer Accounts Policies & Procedures

This document is incorporated by reference in the Participation Agreement. It provides detailed information relating to employer contributions and payroll audits.

Transitional Rules

This document provides a summary of MCTWF rules that should be considered (it is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of such rules, but rather, it is intended to focus on key issues) by new Employer groups prior to MCTWF participation.

Newly Participating Employers or Divisions

This page lists the documents needed by MCTWF Representatives to set up a new Employer or Division and initiate eligibility for its employees.

Mail Us Your Payment

Your Contribution Remittance Statement and payment along with your deposit slip should be mailed to:

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Dept. 77158
C/O Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund
P.O. Box 77000
Detroit, Michigan 48277-0158

Support Contact

For questions or assistance from our Field Services Department, please contact your Field Services Representative by email at or call our main number for further direction.

Phone: (313) 964-2400 or toll free: (800) 824-3158
Department Fax: (313) 748-4338
Department Email:

Sherry Hall Representative Extension 496
Andrew Bryer Representative Extension 413
Kevin Keveney Representative Extension 385
Robin Schmidt Office Admin. Extension 258