For Employers
Important Links
The links below provide you with online reference to important MCTWF documents, most of which are furnished to contributing employers in hard copy form when they begin to contribute to MCTWF. We’ve included information that will help you complete your Contribution Remittance Statement. If you have any questions or need assistance, please use the below MCTWF Support Contact information.
Trust Agreement
This document as amended, which is incorporated by reference in the Participation Agreement, establishes the Trust Fund and states the general rules for its administration.
Participation Agreement
The Participation Agreement, which will be provided to you by the Local Union, is necessary for Employer participation with MCTWF. When completed by the parties, this agreement sets forth the essential contribution information and rules. The completed form must be signed by the Employer, the Local Union and accepted by MCTWF before it becomes effective. View a sample Participation Agreement.
Employer Accounts Policies & Procedures
This document is incorporated by reference in the Participation Agreement. It provides detailed information relating to Employer Contributions and payroll audits.
Transitional Rules
This document provides a summary of MCTWF rules that should be considered (it is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of such rules, but rather, it is intended to focus on key issues) by new Employer groups prior to MCTWF participation.
Notification of Change in Participant Employment Status
This form is used by the Employer to notify MCTWF that an employee has returned to work so that his/her coverage may be reinstated without delay or to notify MCTWF of a layoff, termination, resignation, retirement, personal leave, military leave, disability (work or non-work related), or other change in employment status. Send the completed form to or fax to 313-964-3144 (no cover sheet required).
Contribution Remittance Statement (Weekly Advanced) General Instructions
Instructions on completing the Contribution Remittance Statement for those Employers that contribute on behalf of their employees in advance based on weeks of employment.
Contribution Remittance Statement (Weekly Retroactively) General Instructions
Instructions on completing the Contribution Remittance Statement for those Employers that contribute on behalf of their employees retrospectively based on weeks of employment.
Contribution Remittance Statement (Hourly) General Instructions
Instructions on completing the Contribution Remittance Statement for those Employers that contribute on behalf of their employees based on hours of employment.
Mail Us Your Payment
Your Contribution Remittance Statement and payment along with your deposit slip should be mailed to:
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Dept. 77158
C/O Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund
P.O. Box 77000
Detroit, Michigan 48277-0158
Support Contact
For questions or assistance, please contact your Account Services Representative by email at or call our main number for further direction.
Account Services:
Phone: (313) 964-2400 or toll free: (800) 824-3158
Department Fax: (313) 964-3144
Department Email: